Monday, 3 July, 2023 –
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Late payments remain one of the problems that affect European SMEs. Thousands of companies suffer late collection terms that damage their finances and cut on their profit margins, thus placing millions of jobs at risk.
In her speech on the State of the Union of 2022, the president of the European Commission promised to face this problem with an ambitious reform of Directive 2011/7 EU on combating Late Payments.
The European Commission will soon present its proposal for the revision of Directive 2011/7, which stands out as a unique opportunity to produce the structural changes in the Member States most affected by late payment, such as Spain, Italy, Belgium, or Greece.
Employers’ organisations members of SME United, PIMEC (Catalonia) and Confartigianato Imprese (Italy), as well as Plataforma Multisectorial contra la Morosidad (Multisectorial Platform against Late Payements) hold a debate on the new legislation on late payments at the European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels on July 3rd.
14 h Registration and coffee
14.30 h Welcome
Mira-Maria Danisman, member of the EESC, Group 1
Marco Granelli, President of Confartigianato Imprese
Antoni Cañete, President of PIMEC and PMcM. Vice-President of SMEunited
14.45 h Keynote speech from the European Commission
Antonella Correra, Policy Officer, DG Grow, European Commission
15 h Address from the European Parliament
Martina Dlabajová, co-chair SME Intergroup, Member of the European Parliament
15.15 h Roundtable of national and sectoral experts
- Antoni Cañete, President of PIMEC and PMcM, Vice-President of SMEunited (Spain)
- Bruno Panieri, Director Economic Policy, Confartigianato Imprese (Italy)
- Fernando Sigchos, Secretary General, European Builders Confederation, EBC
- Sanna Lempiäinen, Legal Counsel, Federation of Finnish Enterprises (Finland)
- Kate Foster, Senior International Affairs Advisor, Federation of Small Business (UK)
Moderator: Luc Hendrickx, SMEunited
16.45 h Questions and Answers
17 h Presentation of European Payment Report 2023
Marte Gran Kristoffersen, Intrum
17.15 h Closing of the event
Veronique Willems, Secretary General SMEunited
Pietro de Lotto, Member of the EESC, Group 1
Enterprises affected by late payments are encouraged to attend either in person or online. The event will feature simultaneous translation into English, Spanish and Italian.
Room JDE 62 EESC building
Rue Belliard 99/101, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
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